Work plan

The DigiMAT project is divided into five work packages. The current project Work Plan is structured as a coordinated action through consecutive and interrelated tasks, grouped into Work Packages (WPs), which in a natural way rely on the successive progress and timely deliverables of WPs. By this approach the consortium will proceed through the work plan in a systematic fashion to achieve the overall project objectives.

The general structure as well as the interrelation between the WPs and the flow of the project is shown in the figure. Work packages have been scheduled so that the goals of the project can be met. Transversal WP1 (Project Management) will involve all project management related activities. The WP2 deals with Product and process specification and detailed trial plan for data gathering; the Smart module for new materials grades is setting up in WP3 and finally the new materials grades and lighter anchor are validated in WP4. Transversal WP5 (Business Plan Update and Exploitation) will deal with business and marketing issues, interacting with technical works so that both flows (technical, business) can enrich each other.

digimat project work plan
Work plan flow chart and interrelationship diagram: Pert Diagram